Friday, December 19, 2008

With all the snow thats on the ground now we've been getting a different sort of guest in the store. Today was no different, the day had been goin by quite slow it seemed it would be another day full of folding jeans and peddling hundred dollar t-shirts and other things people absolutely can't live without. Then my day and quite possibly my world changed, in walked three of the most interesting specimen of the male race I have ever seen. From the innocent by-stander they most likely seemed like the normal crew of fellas, adorned with large puffy jackets stunna shades (it was -3 degrees outside and dark) and what the girls working for me would find out later, some very tight game to spit with the ladies. This crew proceeded to shed their outerwear to make sure everyone took notice that they were maybe on their second cycle of steroids as well as the tribal like artwork which stretched across their arms which looked like it had been done by their a friend who most likely approached them with a deal like, "hey guys so i think i am going to be a tattoo artist now instead of a plumber can I do my first tattoo on you, it'll be totally free."
For the next hour and a half my store was the epicenter of testosterone and loud remembrances of how cool these three guys used to be in high school. Ill give you insight into the first conversation which i overheard one of them having with a female employee of mine.
Dude 1: Sooooooo i heard your manager say something about getting a bunch of new clothes on the guy side soon is that true?...
Employee one: ummmm yeah i think so....(and back to folding and face turning a lil red, ok a lotta red)
Dude 1: sooo I used to be a trainer at golds gym and i was ready to move away but I totally got this sweet job offer ill be making like 85 k right off the bat.(yes and he said it exactly that way, eighty-five k... seriously)
Employee 1: well that sounds like a pretty good deal(still folding, still very red now)
Dude 1: soooo i think i know you (to his credit she had already told me she knew him) i think you used to date my roommate. Are you guys still dating?
Employee one: No that was like 4 years ago.(shes 20 by the way)
Dude 1: oh yeah thats cool, soo didja join sorority?
Employee: Yeah Alpha Phi
dude 1: oh a-phi, a-phi thats cool.
At this point i had to leave because first of all i didnt want him to stop embarassing her cause i thought it was hilarious but also because I was afraid i would point and laugh at him which is frowned upon in the retail business. So obviously it didnt stop there but when I came from my office i began to see these three guy strut around my store for the next hour like farmer petes prized piglets. Talking fashion and making sure that everyone knew they were probably the coolest thing in the mall that day.

The rest of the day was full of gift cards and folding but at least i had something to laugh about.


  1. Hilarious! Yeah...we get people like that up in the Computer Science wing of OHSU from time-to-time, only it's pretentious programming dialects, rather than steroids. They're all, "...oh, I totally use to be a C programmer for a startup. Man, I was totally their go-to guy for anything having to do with C. If you ever have any questions about C, you know who to ask. Yep, you may as well just call me C-ee--like a nickname or something. Can you invent those for yourself? I think I'm going to. Yep: just call me C-ee." Yeah, and it's almost always that awkward.

  2. kinda of reminds me of our jesse and chester act in old navy freshman year, you know what i am talking about!!!
